The Magic of Feathers

Feathers are a tool used throughout the ages in a witches practice; but known for showing us signs from our ancestors and our spirit guides. 
 Feathers have many different meanings such as protection, a sign of travel and truth. It is also said that if you find a feather, it is your guides giving you a sign or showing that they are near by. 

Feathers represent the element of air, connecting us on Earth with those in the sky. Just like a crystal or any magical tool you need to connect with the feather you are planning on working with. 
They have a very deep connection to the angelic realm and also the Faerie realm.
Feathers are also used as smudging tools, using them to push the smoke around the area you are cleansing. It is important to still put your intent into the feather you are working with as you cleanse the area.
During ritual work you can use a feather to represent air, flight and travel. 

They can be used as a symbol of guidance from your angels, ancestors and guides. You can simply call to any of them and ask for a sign. 
- Are you on the right path?
-If there is something I need to see show me a sign?
Then you ask them to send a feather. 
Pretty simple right? Feather magic isn't over complicated and something that can be used anywhere anytime. 

Feathers are also used in something called a Witches Ladder. When creating a Witches Ladder feathers can be added by braiding them into the knots. When you braid them into a certain step put your intent into the feather, you may also choose to say a certain spell at this time. 
So, what is a Witches Ladder?
A Witches Ladder are knotted or braided to hold and bind certain spells and rituals. They can be knotted together all at once or you might choose to do a knot at a time or when you feel called to add to it. 
A modern Witches Ladder is normally a piece of rope or cord with 40 knots, each representing a spell or ritual. When knotting or braiding you can add other items in as well such as, feathers, hair, bones, bells and other trinkets.
It is believed that when you tie off the last knot all the magic that has been put into the Witches Ladder is bound and stored. 
It is best the hang your Witches Ladder at the front door of your home. 

Feather colours and meanings:
Your guides are protecting you from negativity

Purity & Peace
A sign from a loved one that has passed over

Healing & Abundance
Showing you healing working is needed and new opportunities are coming

Joy & Optimism
It is a reminder to enjoy life and uplift your energy from within 

Courage & Passion
A sign that you have high energy, motivation, passion and courage.....keep going you are on the right path

Self-care & Unconditional Love
Show yourself some extra care and love
Approach things with an open heart 

Improve communication & Calm
It is a sign to find peace, serenity & tranquility 

Ground & Seek stability 
A reminder to stay grounded, centered and connected to the moment at hand

Wisdom & Growth 
A deeper understanding is coming, it will bring calm and wisdom 
The clarity you needed will be shown to you 

Love Kirsty xo
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