Vivianite is known as the stone of peace and love, but it does so much more than that.
It opens up one's heart and helps heal old wounds, these could be from this life or past lives. It has a very gentle energy and helps call in awareness to any situation you may be facing.
This beautiful stone helps you call in compassion not just towards others but towards yourself as well. It also helps open up a strong line of communication when you are feeling like you can't express what you are trying to say.
Vivianite calls in calm and positive energy to your mind, body and soul. If you are feeling a bit burnt-out or down and out it will help relieve you of this energy. Stress is also another thing a lot of us deal with in our day to day lives; Vivianite will help calm your stress, and help you tap into your intuition to deal with your stress levels.
Vivianite is connected to your 3rd eye which makes it the perfect companion when meditating or connection into your higher self. Looking for guidance? Vivianite is one of the stones that will help you with this.
History of Vivianite
Vivianite grows on the inside of iron coffins; it can also grow on the decomposing body. This happens due to the chemical reaction of the iron and the minerals in the body. In saying that it can also grow on fossilised bones and inside fossil shells such as gastropods.
Vivianite is a rare mineral and is found in Bolivia, Germany & the UK.
*Witchy Tip*
Use Vivianite when mediating and calling in your guides.
Herbs: Lavender- Calming
It opens up one's heart and helps heal old wounds, these could be from this life or past lives. It has a very gentle energy and helps call in awareness to any situation you may be facing.
This beautiful stone helps you call in compassion not just towards others but towards yourself as well. It also helps open up a strong line of communication when you are feeling like you can't express what you are trying to say.
Vivianite calls in calm and positive energy to your mind, body and soul. If you are feeling a bit burnt-out or down and out it will help relieve you of this energy. Stress is also another thing a lot of us deal with in our day to day lives; Vivianite will help calm your stress, and help you tap into your intuition to deal with your stress levels.
Vivianite is connected to your 3rd eye which makes it the perfect companion when meditating or connection into your higher self. Looking for guidance? Vivianite is one of the stones that will help you with this.
History of Vivianite
Vivianite grows on the inside of iron coffins; it can also grow on the decomposing body. This happens due to the chemical reaction of the iron and the minerals in the body. In saying that it can also grow on fossilised bones and inside fossil shells such as gastropods.
Vivianite is a rare mineral and is found in Bolivia, Germany & the UK.
*Witchy Tip*
Use Vivianite when mediating and calling in your guides.
Herbs: Lavender- Calming
Lemon Balm- Uplifting
Star Sign: Cancer & Capricorn
Chakra: 3rd Eye, Throat & Sacral
Element: Water
Star Sign: Cancer & Capricorn
Chakra: 3rd Eye, Throat & Sacral
Element: Water
"I call to my ancestors and guides to help me call in calm and peace"
Love Kirsty xo
Love Kirsty xo