As we welcome 2025 I want to share with you my knowledge on the Wheel of Year
Pic sourced from spell8- Pinterest
What is Wheel of Year?
Wheel of Year is a seasonal calendar for witches to follow; it is divided up into eight sabbats. These sabbats represent the cycle of life, death & rebirth. Each sabbat holds its own rituals and traditions.
For us witches in the Southern Hemisphere, it has only been in recent years books, calendars and diaries have been adjusted to accommodate us.
When honouring Mother Earth and what she gives to us it is important to understand she hears us regardless of which hemisphere we are in.
Lets dive into the eight sabbats. For this blog I will be giving shorter pieces of information as longer blogs filled with spell work and rituals will be coming over the next eight weeks.
I have listed each sabbat following the calendar year.
Lammas ( Lughnasadh)
Date: 1st of February
- Beginning of the harvest season
-Connected to our divine feminine
-Giving thanks
-Sharing gratitude
Mabon- Autumn Equinox
Date: 21st of March
-Harvesting of main crops
-Connected to our divine masculine
-Balancing light & dark
-Welcoming change
Date: 30th of April- 1st of May
- Celebration of death
-Connected to our divine feminine
-Honouring our ancestors
-The vail between the two realms is thin, this is the perfect time to connect with our ancestors that have pasted over
-Celebrations of where we come from
-Known as the witches' new year
Yule- Winter Solstice
Date: 21st of June
-Longest night of the year
-Connected to our divine masculine
-Increase of happiness
-Celebration of life & light
-Time for self-care
Date: 1st of August
- Growth & self-knowledge
-Connected to our divine feminine
-Strong association with goddess Brigid
-Fertility & rebirth
Ostara- Spring Equinox
Date: 21st of September
-Balance & growth
-Connected to our divine masculine
-Letting go and leaving what know longer services us behind
-Time to re-energise
-Abundance & joy
Date: 31st of October
-Working with the gods & goddesses
-Connected to our divine feminine
-Marriage of the gods & goddesses
-Celebration of the sun
-Cleanse & renew the connection to Mother Earth
Litha- Summer Solstice
Date: 1st of December
- Self-development
-Connected to our divine masculine
-Known for the longest day and shortest night of the year
-Strong sun energy
-Celebration of light
For each sabbats there are certain rituals, spell work, gods & goddesses, crystals to work with and altar set ups. But as I have said many times before this is your journey and I like to follow my own intuition as well.
Whether you follow the Wheel of Year or just practice of certain dates, always give thanks to Mother Earth for the tools you're using.
Looking forward to sharing as much of my knowledge with you as I can this year
Love Kirsty xo